Archive for the ‘Art Malik’ Category


Review: Nina’s Heavenly Delights

September 29, 2006

UK release: 29th September 2006

A unlikely concoction of Indian cuisine and issues of ethnic and sexual diversity is served up in this Glasgow-set comedy that’s as light as a soufflé. Nina (Shelley Conn), a young Scottish-Asian woman, returns home for the funeral of her father, with whom she fell out over her last-minute refusal to marry the son of his rival restaurateur Raj (Art Malik) and unite the city’s two great curry houses. She soon forms a close bond with Lisa (Laura Fraser), who is now part-owner of the family restaurant, and the pair compete in a prestigious cooking competition against Nina’s former fiancé Sanjay (Raji James).

With its many diverse elements and subplots — including Nina’s friendship with a cross-dressing Glaswegian/Bollywood choreographer — director Pratibha Parmar’s film seems determined to challenge expectations and stereotypes at every turn. Yet the basic philosophy of this inoffensive tale — “follow your heart”, no matter which unlikely direction it takes — will probably appeal to the same audience that made Billy Elliot and Bend It like Beckham into major hits.

Radio Times rating:


UK cinema certificate PG
Running time 94mins

Review by Brian Pendreigh